

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Learning Log Week 15

MATH:  I did greater and lesser and equal signs.  I did addition.  I did hundreds charts.  I learned how to do numbers like 6 + 2 = 2 + 6.  I worked on Study Island and Dreambox math.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read books.  I worked on my handwriting.  I wrote a letter to my mom.  My brother helped me spell some words.  I did Reading Eggs and ABC Mouse.  I read sight word books too.

SCIENCE:  We learned about magnets again. Magnets pull up iron and it sticks to it all hairy.

ENGINEERING:  I made some projects with my brother.  We built a pantograph and a catapult.  You can throw things up into the air with the catapult.  I'm glad my brother is here to help me.

HISTORY:  I learned about Connecticut.  It is all the way on the other side of the map from Utah.  It is very small.  There are dinosaur bones there.  They make jet engines and submarines there.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Learning Log Week 14

MATH:  I did DreamBox math.  I've been doing subtraction and adding and learning ways to make numbers.  I've been doing input and output again.  That's my favorite thing.  I did a 100 chart too.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did Reading Eggs and ABC Mouse.  I read to my mom.  I spelled out words.

SCIENCE:  We had a magnet and very, very little small pieces of iron.  It sucked up to the magnet looking like fur all over it.  We also found out North and North try to go away from each other, but North and South go together on the magnet.  South and South push away from each other.  Our earth is a magnet.  We have a north pole and a south pole.

ENGINEERING:  I worked on the extendable mechanical arm.  I also worked on a project with my grandpa.

HISTORY:  I learned about Colorado.  It's right beside Utah.  There are dinosaur bones there.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Learning Log Week 12-13

MATH: I did Dreambox math.  I also did study Island for 1 1/2 hours.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I worked on Reading Eggs and reading to my mom.  I did handwriting too.

SCIENCE:  We got a big battery, and we made a light bulb light up.  We connected to wires to the positive and negative.  Then we tried putting things next to the wire like plastic to see if the electricity would run through it and still light up the bulb.  We tried a nickel and that still lighted up the bulb all the way.  Some things are conductors and it lets the electricity go so it can move.  Some things are insulators and they block the electricity.

ENGINEERING:  I worked on some more projects that I'm going to turn in.  I'm trying to catch up on a couple of these.

HISTORY:  I learned about Utah.  When there were people growing gardens there were too many crickets eating up the gardens and seagulls ate the crickets, so that's why that's the state bird.  Also, Utah is a desert.  That means it's kind of dry.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Learning Log Week 11

MATH:  I did Dreambox math.  I've been adding.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read to my mom every day.  I also did Reading Eggs.  I worked on Handwriting.

SCIENCE:  We created static electricity with balloons.  We rubbed the balloons on our hair, then stuck them on the wall and it stayed.  Some things don't make static electricity like when you rub the balloon on the wall it doesn't just stick to the wall.

ENGINEERING:  I'm working on Linkages.  I've built the mechanical arm three times now.  I like using it to try to pick up toys.

HISTORY:  I'm learning about the states.  We reviewed what I've already learned about the states.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Learning Log Week 10

MATH:  I'm doing subtracting and input and output.  I work on Dreambox math.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did Reading Eggs every day for 30 minutes.  I read to my mom some books that help with site words. 

SCIENCE:  We made a battery out of paper towels with salt water, pennies and some tin foil.  You put them together with the copper wires and then it will start showing how much electricity it's making.

ENGINEERING:  I made some of my own designs with my blocks.

HISTORY:  We didn't do history this week, but we'll work on it next week.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Learning Log Week 9

MATH:  I did Dreambox math.  I worked on subtracting.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did Reading Eggs every day.  Sometimes I worked on learning new words and sometimes I read books in the reading library.  I also did Spelling.

SCIENCE:  This week we didn't work on Science, but next week we'll be learning about how batteries work.

ENGINEERING:  I made up some of my own projects. I also made a scale.

HISTORY:  I've been working on learning more about the States.  I worked on puzzles of the United States.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Learning Log Week 8

MATH:  I'm working on number lines.  I'm adding and subtracting.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did Reading Eggs every day and read to my mom.  I like a book about Alvin, Simon, Theodore.  They're chipmunks.

SCIENCE:  Flies start out as a little worm-type thing.  When they grow up they start to grow wings and fly.  They live for only about one month.  In the Winter, insects look for warm places.  Some of them die, but before they do they lay eggs that hatch in the Spring.

ENGINEERING:  I did one of my projects.  I also made up some of my own designs.

HISTORY:  I did puzzles of the U.S.  I also learned about Arizona.  It's a desert.  It grows very, very tall cactuses that live 60 years.  It has the Grand Canyon where it goes very deep down.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Learning Log Week 7

MATH:  For math I did Dreambox.  I did Input and Output.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did Reading Eggs.  I was learning how to read with different words.  I read to my mom.  I'm learning how to spell new words.

SCIENCE:   We pushed the big marble and the small marble to test which one would go farther.  We tried it on a rough surface too.  I like learning how to build new things and learn about the things in the world.

ENGINEERING:  I built a plane thing.  I like putting blocks together.

HISTORY:  I learned about Alaska.  It's really cold there and people go snow sledding there with their dogs.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Learning Log Week 6

MATH:  I played with math blocks.  I also worked and addition and subtraction.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I worked on spelling with nursery rhymes.  I read to my mom every day.  I did Reading Eggs every day.  I put together words on Reading Eggs to learn how to spell them.

SCIENCE:  I learned about gravity with a toy car.  First, we put the toy car on a small ramp to see how fast it would go.  Then we lifted the ramp a little higher and a little higher until it was all the way to my chest.  It went the fasted the highest up we went.  Then we tried adding ten pennies to make the car heavier, and it went even faster.

ENGINEERING:  I made a new project from the book by myself.  I'm working on my next one to turn in.

HISTORY:  I'm still learning about the states.  I work on a map on the wall and with puzzles.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Learning Log Week 5

MATH:  I worked on Dreambox math.  I've been doing more input output numbers and learning how to make new numbers by adding them together.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I've been learning how to read better.  I read to my mom and I enjoy having fun with my family.  I've been doing spelling and learning how to write better.

SCIENCE: We tried to squish a rock and it was hard.  We also tried to squish a marshmallow and it was a little easier, but it didn't squish all the way.  Then we tried a lemon and a banana and they squished completely.  Some things need more force to squish, but when they do not have too much force then they cannot squish.

ENGINEERING: I built a weight lifter.  I also built a teeter totter.  I've been working on levers too.  My favorite one so far is the weight lifter because you can make different weights on it with different blocks. 

HISTORY: Alabama is at the bottom of our country.  It has big trees there.  I'm working on a big map of the United States.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Learning Log Week 4

MATH: I've been learning how to build new numbers like you can pack one group of 30 apples or you can pack one bag of 10 apples plus one bag of 20 apples.  You can add things up different ways.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I read 15 minutes a day.  I took my DIBELS test.  I've also been doing ABC Mouse and Reading Eggs this week.  I learned when a "c" is next to an "e" the "c" says "sssssss" like in the word mice.

SCIENCE: We dropped two tennis balls and they landed at the same time and we dropped a cotton ball and a tennis ball and they landed at the same time because gravity pulls the same amount on everything.  We also tried it from the top of my stairs and dropped it, and they landed at the same time.

ENGINEERING:  I built another see saw.  I also built some of my own creations.

HISTORY:  We worked on learning where Alabama is on the map.  They have old Native American bones in Alabama.  Alabama is down towards the bottom.  The US Government makes laws to help us be safe.  We vote for people that hopefully they make good laws for us.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Learning Log Week 3

MATH:  I did input and output.  There's always a rule like add 10 so whatever number you start out with you add 10 to get the output.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read 15 minutes a day.  I read to my Uncle Pat and my cousin, Miles.  I practiced handwriting too and ABC Mouse.

SCIENCE:  I went to Lake Tahoe.  If there's not enough rain the lake shrinks.  We could walk really, really, really far out on the lake because the water went down.  Also, because there wasn't enough rain there were fires nearby and lots of smoke.  Sometimes fires can happen from lightening when the ground is dry.  My grandpa taught me there is such thing as dry lightening that can cause fires.

ENGINEERING:  I didn't get a change to work on Engineering this week.  I'm planning on finishing up my first project next week.

HISTORY:  I got a new map of the United States and a new World map.  I am having fun learning new things.  I also went to a museum and learned about old fire engines.  They used to be pulled by horses.  They also had fire grenades that had salt water in glass bottles and they would throw it at the fire.  It was salt water so the water wouldn't freeze.  I also saw a play about the wild west.  There was a sheriff and a bad guy and a good guy.  It was fun seeing how the buildings used to look.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Learning Log - Week 2

MATH:  For math I did dreambox math.  I learned input and output.  If it says 4 + 10 then the output is 14.  I also worked on hundreds charts in the 4 and 5 hundreds.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read 15 minutes a day to my mom.  I like reading a book called Chuck.  It's about a dog that eats everything.  Yuck!  Then he eats ham at the end.  Yum!  I worked on Reading Eggs and ABC Mouse.  I did spelling words with the letter A in the middle.

SCIENCE:  I learned about how blimps float.  They use helium, but a blimp used to use hydrogen and that can start fire so it sparked and it made the blimp crash.  Helium is safer.  It's what we use in balloons that float.

ENGINEERING:  I made some of my own designs.  I also made a see-saw.  I like to be an Engineer.

HISTORY:  I love to build new things I have not built before.  I did a puzzle of the United States.  My mom also quizzed me with a map, and I had to find the right states.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Learning Log - Week 1 (2015)

MATH:  For math I did DreamBox math online.  I did math rack.  It's where there are these little beads on it and you can make a number and something else and you can make the same thing, but differently.  They are fun.  For example 6 + 7 = 10 + 3. 

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read 15 minutes a day to my mom.  My favorite book this week is called Hot Dog.  I worked on spelling and rhymes.  We clapped to Jack an Jill, and I learned how to write it.  I also learned about weather on ABC Mouse.  On Reading Eggs I did some fun painting games. 

SCIENCE:  I learned how to classify objects.  I had a tomato, marshmallow, Q-tip, grass, cucumber, and blocks.  I had to figure out which ones go together.  I put Q-tip and marshmallow because they are both white and partly squishy.  Tomatoes and marshmallows can also go together because they are both soft.  Sometimes animals are put in groups too.  A snake and a mouse can be put together because they're both living creatures...they are animals.  But a snake and a plant don't go together because a plant cannot move as well as a snake goes with other plants.

All living things have to be able to move, eat and make kids.  A rock is not alive because it cannot move, talk, eat or make little rocks.

ENGINEERING:  My brother helped me make a see-saw.  Then later I made a see-saw all by myself looking at the instructions.  At first, one side was longer, and it didn't work.  I tested it.  That side was heavier and fell down, and then I found out I was missing one piece on the other side.

Here's a picture of my see-saw.

HISTORY:  I put a puzzle together of the United States.  I can do it by myself.  There are 50 states.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Learning Log Week 38

Math:  I did k12.  I did addition and subtraction and worked with math blocks.

Language Arts.  I did k12.  I read beginning Phonics books with my mom.  I worked on sight words.  I also worked on handwriting.

Science:  I did k12.  I learned some more about bugs.  I found a potato bug in my yard and a ladybug.  Ladybugs can help your garden because they eat little bugs that eat your plants.

Electricity:  I finished my last project for the year.  My favorite ones are the ones where the fan goes.

Rocketry:  I'm doing my last launch today.  I'm excited to see the pencil rocket go up.  It's really big.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Learning Log Week 37

Math:  I did k12.  I worked with math blocks and subtraction.

Language Arts:  I did k12.   I read to my mom from my Phonics books.  I took the DIBELS test.  I read nonsense words.  I also read some stories.  I also read some books by myself.

Science:  I did k12.  I went to the Curiosity Museum.  I learned frogs can jump really far and high.  I also went to a water room where you connect pipes to make the water flow.

Electricity:  I'm finishing my last assignment for Electricity class.  I did a project where you tap a piece and it would make a light glow.  There's also one where you tap on the piece or you pound on the table and the fan stops spinning and the light turns on after you tap it.

Rocketry:  I built some rockets with my dad, and we're planning our last rocket launches.  The pencil rocket is huge.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Learning Log Week 36

Math:  I did k12.  I've been working on adding and subtracting.

Science:  I did k12.

Language Arts:  I did k12.  I read 15 minutes a day to my mom.  I also worked on sight words.  I also did handwriting.

Electricity:  I worked on a solar project.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Learning Log Week 35

Math:  I did k12.  I'm working on subtraction.

Science:  I did k12.  I looked up on the computer how tulips grow.  They start out with a bulb under the ground.  Then the green part comes out of the ground.  Then all different colors of a flower come up.  When the flower dies the petals fall off.  The bulb stays in the ground until next year.  I went to a tulip festival.  I saw red, yellow, pink and purple tulips. Some were tiny.  Some were super big.  I like all the colors.

Language Arts:  I did k12.  I did 15 minutes a day of site words and 15 minutes a day of reading.  I also did 30 minutes a day on brain pop.

Electricity:  I tried to do a magnet project with my mom but it didn't work. We're going to see if my dad can figure it out.  I started one with a solar panel instead.

Rocketry:  I built a pencil rocket and a crayon rocket with my dad.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Learning Log Week 34

Math:  I did k12.  I'm still learning subtraction and story problems.

Language Arts:  I did k12. I checked out some new books from the library.  My favorite book is called Turn it Off.  It's about a boy that only likes to watch TV, but then he turns it off and has fun with his friends.  I'm getting faster at reading.

Science:  I did k12.  I'm still learning about insects.  I'm also helping my mom get things ready to plant our garden.

Electricity:  I'm working on some projects to turn in.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Learning Log Week 32-33

Math: I did k12.  I've been working on subtraction.  I also help my little brother with his math which is shapes and patterns.

Science: I did k12.  I've been learning about insects.  I also like to look for bugs outside.  I saw a new mosquito that I've never seen before.

Language Arts: I did k12.  I've been doing vocabulary and learning how to use a dictionary.  I've been doing phonics.  Every day I read 15 minutes to my mom...sometimes 30.  My favorite book this week is called Drop it, Rocket.  The animals were trying to find a way to make Rocket drop the boot.  An owl finally finds a way to make Rocket drop the boot for a book to read.

Electricity: I'm working on my next project.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Learning Log Week 31

For Math I've been doing subtraction.  I also like to help my mom measure stuff when we cook.  For Language Arts I've been working on sight words and reading books with my mom.  I've also be doing handwriting.  For science I've been reading about alligators.  Some alligators take care of their babies and some don't.  Turtles don't wait for the eggs to hatch.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Learning Log Week 30

SCIENCE:  I learned about bugs.  Beetles have a hard outside shell and six legs.  They have antennas too.  I like bugs.

MATH:  I did k12.  I did story problems.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did k12.  I did lots of Phonics classes.  I read for 15 minutes a day to my mom.  I worked on Handwriting.  I colored pictures, and my mom read to me.

ROCKETRY:  I'm planning my next launch at the soccer field.

ELECTRICITY:  I'm working on my next project with my mom and my brother.

Learning Log Week 29

MATH:  I did k12.  I worked on adding missing numbers.

SCIENCE:  I did k12.  I learned about trees and seeds.  I also helped dig a hole to plant a cherry tree in my backyard.  Then I helped pack dirt in and water it.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did k12.  I worked on Phonics and Handwriting.  I read Easy Reader books with my mom.

ELECTRICITY:  I worked on assignments with my Mom.  I like the ones that beep and make noise and record voices.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Learning Log Week 28

MATH:  I did k12.  I worked on subtraction and filling in subtraction coloring sheets.

SCIENCE:  I did k12.  I learned more about trees and plants.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did k12.  I did a lot of Phonics classes and handwriting.

ELECTRICITY:  I worked on my next project.  My favorite one is the one that records your voice and then plays a song.

ROCKETRY:  I'm planning my next launch and working on my banners.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Learning Log Week 27

MATH:  I did k12.  I worked with math blocks.

SCIENCE: I did k12.  I learned about the nervous system.  The brain tells you how to throw the ball.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did k12.  I did lots of phonics classes.  I worked the most on reading this week.  I read to my mom.  I did vocabulary.

ROCKETRY:  I'm planning my next launch.  I saw someone else launch some rockets at the park today.  It looked like they were going to land really far away, but the wind brought it back to the park.

ELECTRICITY:  I'm turning in my next assignment today.  My mom is going to help me.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Learning Log Week 26

MATH:  I did k12.   I learned about part, part, total. 

SCIENCE: I did k12.  I learned about I learned about the heart and the circulatory system.  You breathe in oxygen, and your heart pumps it all around your body.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I did k12.  I did phonics lessons.  I worked on vocabulary.  I read to my mom.

ELECTRICITY: I'm working on my next assignment with my brother.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Learning Log Week 25

MATH: I did k12. I added and subtracted with base 10 models.  You can change the base 10 block to ones to subtract.

SCIENCE: I did k12. I learned about bones and muscles.  You have to have bones and muscles because if you don't your body will just flop.  You have joints to help your body bend and muscles to move them.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I did k12.  I practiced vocabulary and handwriting and phonics.

ROCKETRY:  I did three launches.  It got really windy and one went flying really far, but we found it luckily. 

ELECTRICITY:  I did projects with my dad and turned my favorite one in.  My favorite one was where the siren doesn't go off unless you shine the light off the paper and then the siren goes off.  I also liked the one that made typewriter sounds.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Learning Log Week 24

MATH:  I worked on Study Island.  I worked on numbers that are greater, less than or equal.  My favorite game was the motorcycle game.

SCIENCE:  I went to the Children's Discovery Museum.  I learned how to climb trees in the jungle area.  I played in the water works area.  I played outside on the zip-line.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I read some stories to my mom from an easy to read book.  I practiced writing.  I watched Leap Frog movies to help with reading.

ELECTRICITY:  I worked on some assignments with my brother.  I'm getting ready to turn in my favorite one to my teacher.

ROCKETRY:  I made a rocket launch banner with hearts on it for Valentine's Day.  I'm going to do a rocket launch with my dad today!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Learning Log Week 23

MATH: I did k12. I worked on subtraction and regrouping.

SCIENCE: I did k12. I learned about oceans. I learned about crabs and how they crawl sideways. I learned some animals just drift in the current.  Some animals use their fins to swim.  Oceans have saltwater.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I did k12. I read books with my mom.  I learned that the ph sounds like the f sound. 

ELECTRICITY: I'm finishing up a project with my brother.  I cut out a paper and put it on the spinning fan.  It made lots of colors.  I did my own project, and it made it launch up high like a rocket.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Learning Log Week 22

MATH: I did k12. I learned about different ways to add.

SCIENCE: I did k12.  I learned about wetlands.  Frogs live there, maybe snakes and birds and grasshoppers.  It wet but you can still walk through it.  It looks like it's an ocean, but it's really just mud.  I learned about animals that live underground.  Moles live underground.  They make a big mess.  They are very cool creatures, but they are also annoying when they get in your garden.  They can barely see.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I did k12.  I'm working on handwriting.  I'm learning about compound words.  They look really big, but they are really just two words stuck together, so if you put one finger on one half and read that half, then put one finger on the other half, then read that half...then you put them together and you can read the word.  I'm also learning about words that end in -ed.  That means it already happened.  Some words have double trouble endings.

ELECTRICITY: I'm working on some projects with my dad and some by myself.

ROCKETRY: I played on the NASA website.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Learning Log Week 21

MATH:  I did k12.  I learned how to add up numbers with ones and tens and hundreds.  The highest number I did was 963.

SCIENCE:  I did k12.  I learned about rainforests.  Lizards and snakes and birds live in the middle of the forest.  It's very wet and very rainy, and it's very warm.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I did k12.  My favorite story my mom read to me this week was a boy with a new cap.  Everyone wanted his cap even the princess and the king, but he ran away.  He liked his cap because it was made from his mother.  I've been working on writing and spelling.  I've been spelling without anyone noticing. 

ELECTRICITY:  My favorite project is the whiner...the one that makes a loud noise.  My dad helps me with my projects.

ROCKETRY:  I played on the NASA kids club website.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Learning Log Week 20

MATH: I did k12.  I'm learning about ones and tens and how to count up with place value mats.

SCIENCE: I did k12.  I learned about habitats.  I learned about grasslands and the rainforest.  The rainforest is always raining and wet.  The grasslands have lots of grass and lions trying to catch other animals.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I did k12.  I read to my mom every day.  I took a DIBELS test with my teacher.  I like when my mom reads to me.  I'm working on vocabulary and how to use base words.

ROCKETRY: I'm planning my next launch, but I'm waiting for some of the snow to melt so I don't lose my rocket in the snow when it lands.

ELECTRICITY: I'm doing lots of projects with my dad.  He showed me how to do some morris code with the sound buttons.

Learning Log Week 17-19

Math: I did k12.  I learned about money and how to count it and tell what it is.  I played a game with my mom of who could tell how much the money was worth.

Science: I did k12.  I learned about habitats.  I learned about forests and deserts.  Forests have a canopy and a floor.  Some animals in the desert don't drink much water.

Language Arts: I did k12.  I read books with my mom.  I liked the book, "And I Mean it Stanley."  Stanley is a dog.  I read books to my mom.  I practiced handwriting.

Rockets:  I'm planning for my next rocket launch.

Electricity:  I've been doing projects with my dad.  I like the ones that make noise.