

Friday, February 23, 2018


MATH:  I did a lot of Big Brains working on my multiplication facts.  I did worksheets too.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm still reading "A Penny's Worth of Character".  I'm almost done.  I did spelling, handwriting, and writing.

SCIENCE:  If you had a rock, and you wanted it to be your pet then you wouldn't have to do anything for it because it doesn't need food, water, oxygen, it can't move by itself, and it can't reproduce.  But, if you had a dog then you'd have to take care of it.  I did check off boxes to show how you can tell if something is living or non-living.

ENGINEERING:  I'm still working on my light on the paper.  I made some new designs.

KARATE:  I learned a new form.  I can't figure out the names of the new forms, but I'm starting to get it.

Friday, February 16, 2018


MATH:  I did division.  I also did multiplication with bigger numbers.  I did some word problems.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm reading "A Penny's Worth of Character" for the second time.  I did spelling and handwriting.  I also worked on grammar.

SCIENCE:  I learned about how satellites are put in space.  I also learned about Mars.  It has less atmosphere than earth does so meteorites crash on it.  It would be hard to live on Mars because you would need shelter, food, and oxygen.

ENGINEERING:  I'm still working on my light board.  I put mazes on there so the light has to trace the maze.

KARATE:  I did some stretching.  I'm mostly reviewing forms.  I like being in the advanced class with my brother.

Friday, February 9, 2018


MATH:  I've started some division.  I've been doing fraction adding.  I've been doing multiplication.  I've been practicing multiplication facts on Big Brains.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm reading "A Penny's Worth of Character" again.  I did handwriting and writing.  I did spelling.  I did worksheets from All About Reading.

SCIENCE:  I learned about Galileo back when they used to think the earth was the center of the solar system.  Galileo started publishing about the sun being in the center of the solar system.  He went to prison for it.  I also learned about how we've sent people to the moon and rovers to Mars. 

ENGINEERING:  I'm reading about my light board.  I also put electric tape around it to make a maze so you can only shine the light on the parts that are not covered.

KARATE:  I had my first time in advanced class.  I learned a new karate form.  I earned my blue belt last weekend.

Friday, February 2, 2018


MATH:  I added fractions.  I did Roman Numerals.  I practiced my multiplication and division problems.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did spelling and writing and handwriting.  I practiced writing my name in cursive three times.  I finished reading “A Penny’s Worth of Character”, and now I’m reading it again because it’s so good.

SCIENCE:  I learned about Jupiter.  It has huge storms.  It has a huge storm that has been going for hundreds of years.  Neptune has a moon called Triton with volcanos that shoot down snow.  The surface is super cold on Triton.

ENGINEERING: I built a light thing.  When it shines on the light pad, it leaves a green line where you shine the light.  It will glow where you put the light on the board.  I'm still reading about how it works.

KARATE:  I'm getting ready for my test.  I helped people pass off their last stripes so they're ready for their test.  I helped people with their one-steps, blocks, kicks, and punches.