MATH: I added fractions. They have to have the same denominator. Then on the top you add the numerators.
LANGUAGE ARTS: I did spelling and handwriting. I've been reading a book called "A Penny's Worth of Character." So far it's just introducing the characters. I've also been reading poems.
SCIENCE: The moon has phases. One full phase is called a Lunar Month. It doesn't have its own light it's just the sun's reflection. A New Moon is can't really see it because the earth is blocking the light.
ENGINEERING: I'm building a new light. It's hooked up to a better with a resistor. Then I build a lamp to go around it. It lights up with an LED light.
KARATE: I've practiced all of my stuff, and I was having a lot of fun practicing hitting the target in the right place. I also did some fighting combinations. I have to come up with two new ones by class tomorrow.
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