MATH: I'm still really practicing on division. I also learned how to do division with remainders. You put a capital R and the number that's left.
LANGUAGE ARTS: I've been reading a book about George Washington. I'm only on chapter 2. So far it says that he's around my age like about 10. He's learning about blacksmiths and all the plantations.
SCIENCE: We learned about eukyrote and prokyrote cells. Eukyrote cells have a nucleus and they can be multicellular. I learned about the different parts in the cells.
ENGINEERING: I made a wooden automaton. You have these wood pieces and when you spin the handle it makes the wood pieces go up and down. The wood pieces are slanted. You put the balls in and they climb it when you spin it.
KARATE: I only had one class this week. We each got to try some one-steps. I did one of my teacher's and one of my brother's. They were both really fun because you take out their legs and take them down.
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