

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Learning Log Week 16

MATH: I did k12.  I did subtracting by ones and tens.

SCIENCE: I did k12.  I started learning about habitats.  There's the forest floor.  The forest understory, and the forest canopy.  Birds, mice, snakes and rabbits live in the forest.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I did k12.  I read a book called "Sheep in a Jeep."  The sheep put the jeep for sale after they had a crash landing.  I worked on vocabulary and handwriting too.

ELECTRICITY:  My dad and I are working on building some of these.  The noise ones and the lamp ones are fun.

ROCKETRY:  I'm planning on doing two more launches over Christmas break.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Learning Log Week 15

MATH: I did k12.  I learned counting back by ones and tens.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I did k12.  I've been reading phonics books with my mom.  I've been doing handwriting and vocabulary.

SCIENCE: I did k12.  I learned seeds grow with water, sun and air.  The roots go down and then all you see is a little green stem and then it starts turning brown and then leaves start popping up.  When animals eat fruit they start to eat it and then it falls and it plants the seed when it goes out the other end of the place they eat.

ROCKETRY: I turned in two rocket launches this week and two rocket banners.  My favorite rocket launch was the high one.

ELECTRICITY: I learned if you build it backwards it will not work, and if you don't have each part connecting then it won't work too.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Learning Log Weeks 13-14

For Rocketry I did a rocket launch at the soccer field.  At first it didn't work, and we found out the battery was dead.  One went 494 feet far.  We had to run after it to find it, and it took awhile. 

For Electricity/Circuitry class I'm working on capacitors.  I like when my brother helps me with this class.

For Language Arts I did k12.  I'm reading phonics books.  My mom read a book to me about the little dipper. In the book, there was hardly any water left for her mother so the little girl gave up all her water.  A dipper formed in the sky because of all her kindness.

For Science I did k12.  I learned about sun dials and shadows.  They used to have no clocks so they used a sun dial to see what time it was in the day.

For Math I did k12.  I've been doing lots of subtraction and learning new things.