

Monday, April 27, 2015

Learning Log Week 34

Math:  I did k12.  I'm still learning subtraction and story problems.

Language Arts:  I did k12. I checked out some new books from the library.  My favorite book is called Turn it Off.  It's about a boy that only likes to watch TV, but then he turns it off and has fun with his friends.  I'm getting faster at reading.

Science:  I did k12.  I'm still learning about insects.  I'm also helping my mom get things ready to plant our garden.

Electricity:  I'm working on some projects to turn in.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Learning Log Week 32-33

Math: I did k12.  I've been working on subtraction.  I also help my little brother with his math which is shapes and patterns.

Science: I did k12.  I've been learning about insects.  I also like to look for bugs outside.  I saw a new mosquito that I've never seen before.

Language Arts: I did k12.  I've been doing vocabulary and learning how to use a dictionary.  I've been doing phonics.  Every day I read 15 minutes to my mom...sometimes 30.  My favorite book this week is called Drop it, Rocket.  The animals were trying to find a way to make Rocket drop the boot.  An owl finally finds a way to make Rocket drop the boot for a book to read.

Electricity: I'm working on my next project.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Learning Log Week 31

For Math I've been doing subtraction.  I also like to help my mom measure stuff when we cook.  For Language Arts I've been working on sight words and reading books with my mom.  I've also be doing handwriting.  For science I've been reading about alligators.  Some alligators take care of their babies and some don't.  Turtles don't wait for the eggs to hatch.