

Friday, September 7, 2018


MATH:  I worked on sequences.  I also did some addition and multiplication.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did grammar worksheets, spelling, and handwriting.  I also read 20 minutes a day. 

SCIENCE:  I learned about the Fungi Kingdom.  I learned about mushrooms and how they grow.

PHOTOGRAPHY:  I’m waiting for my camera to come in the mail.  I really excited about this class!

KARATE:  I worked on my forms.  I also and getting ready for my test.

Friday, May 18, 2018


MATH:  I'm doing big multiplication problems.  I'm also doing lots of division.  Next I'm moving on to measuring.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did grammar worksheets and spelling.  I also read a book about how two boys stopped their orange tree from freezing by hanging Christmas lights on the tree.

SCIENCE:  I'm just finishing up my last unit of microorganisms.  Next we're learning about fungi and mushrooms.

ENGINEERING:  I'm doing some new things with my etch-a-sketch.  It's fun to play with.

KARATE:  Testing is coming up in a week.  I think I'm ready, but I'm still working on my one-steps and my forms.


MATH:  I'm doing lots of multiplication.  I also did some division.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I've been reading a lot.  I also did grammar worksheets and spelling.

SCIENCE:  I'm finishing up the microorganisms unit.  It's fun learning about things that are too small to see unless you have a microscope.

ENGINEERING:  I'm still working on my etch-a-sketch from Tinker Crate.  It's really fun!

KARATE:  I'm getting ready for my test.  One thing I'm really working on is my one-steps.  I need to make sure I have those down so I'm ready for my test.


MATH:  I worked on division and using multiplication to check you answers.  I also did big multiplication problems.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I read 20 minutes a day.  I also did writing and handwriting and grammar.

SCIENCE:  I reviewed microorganisms.  We're just finishing up that unit of science.

ENGINEERING:  I built an etch-a-sketch with some tools from Tinker Crate.  It was really fun!

KARATE:  I practiced my one-steps.  I also got to help some of the younger kids.

Monday, April 30, 2018


MATH:  I did multiplication and fractions.  I also divided shapes into fractions and added fractions together.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I finished my book about George Washington.  I need to find a new book to read now.  I also did lots of handwriting.  I worked on spelling and writing too.

SCIENCE:  I'm reviewing all the microorganisms I'm working on.  I like using microscopes to look at things.

ENGINEERING:  I finished up the activities with my tinker crate.  I'll be getting a new crate next week I hope.

KARATE:  I worked on some of the forms with the advanced class.  I also worked on kicks and punches.

Monday, April 23, 2018


MATH: I did some adding and subtracting fractions. I did some more quadruple digits division. I did some clouds location determination, like how high they are in the sky.

LANGUAGE ART: I did reading and art. I read about president Washington. I finished my book finally.

TECH: I've been messing with my tinker crate, learning more about how it works. I'm going to get a new one soon.

KARATE: I did some one steps with my friend. I am practicing my forms. I am enjoying karate a bunch. I am a 8th degree blue.

Sunday, April 15, 2018


MATH:  I worked on dividing again.  I'm starting to divide bigger numbers now.  I also did multiplication and started working on fractions.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm still reading a book about George Washington.  I like it.  I did spelling, writing and handwriting.

SCIENCE:  I went over the vocabulary cards we're learning about in kingdoms and classifications.  I'm learning about single cell organisms.

ENGINEERING:  I made a water fountain with a pump.  It didn't quite work right, but I'm trying to fix it.

KARATE:  I worked on forms.  We also made our own one-steps.  I like being in advanced class.

Monday, April 2, 2018


MATH:  I worked on dividing.  I check to see if it's right by multiplying.  I also did addition.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm reading a book about when George Washington was a kid.  I did spelling and handwriting and grammar.

SCIENCE:  We're growing bacteria in little dishes.  We added a probiotic to one of them to see if it would kill off the bacteria.

ENGINEERING:  I finished up with my project with the stairs and making the balls go up the stairs.  I'm starting on a new project with wheels and water.

KARATE:  I did one-steps.  I also practiced my forms.  I helped the younger kids.

Monday, March 26, 2018


MATH:  For math I did more division.  I checked my answers with multiplication.  I also did other multiplication problems.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm reading a book about George Washington when he was growing up.  It's taking me awhile to read it, but I like it.  I did spelling and writing and handwriting.  I did grammar worksheets.

SCIENCE:  I learned about the protist kingdom.  They're the "junk drawer" of the kingdoms because they don't really fit into other kingdoms.  We grew bacteria in dishes and then looked at it under the microscope.  We drew pictures of what we saw.

ENGINEERING:  I'm still working on my wooden set with the stairs and the balls.  I like figuring out how to make the balls go against gravity.

KARATE:  I practiced my forms and saw some of the red belt's forms.  I also worked on my blocks and defenses.

Monday, March 19, 2018


MATH:  I did lots of division.  Then I checked my answers using multiplication with the same three numbers.  I did measurements too.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm still reading a book about George Washington.  He grew up on a plantation.  I did spelling, handwriting, and writing.  I also did grammar worksheets.

SCIENCE:  I built a constellation of the Big Dipper out of marshmallows and toothpicks.  I also used Agar plates and Q-tips and rubbed it on dirty places to see if we can get bacteria to grow.

ENGINEERING:  I'm still working on my wooden tool that can make the balls hop up the stairs against gravity.  I'm going to be adding some new things to it.

KARATE:  I'm reviewing some of my forms and learning new blocks.  I'm also learning how to make my stances better and stronger.

Friday, March 9, 2018


MATH:  I'm still really practicing on division.  I also learned how to do division with remainders.  You put a capital R and the number that's left.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I've been reading a book about George Washington.  I'm only on chapter 2.  So far it says that he's around my age like about 10.  He's learning about blacksmiths and all the plantations.

SCIENCE:  We learned about eukyrote and prokyrote cells.  Eukyrote cells have a nucleus and they can be multicellular.  I learned about the different parts in the cells.

ENGINEERING:  I made a wooden automaton.  You have these wood pieces and when you spin the handle it makes the wood pieces go up and down.  The wood pieces are slanted.  You put the balls in and they climb it when you spin it.

KARATE:  I only had one class this week.  We each got to try some one-steps.  I did one of my teacher's and one of my brother's.  They were both really fun because you take out their legs and take them down.

Friday, March 2, 2018


MATH:  I did adding and subtracting fractions.  I also did lots of division and then you check your answer by doing multiplication.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I finished reading "A Penny's Worth of Character".  Now I'm reading a Classics book.  I did spelling and handwriting and writing.  I read some poetry and learned about independent and dependent clauses.  Dependent clauses are not a full sentence and need more information.

SCIENCE:  I learned about microscopes and the different parts of a microscope.  We looked at skin cells and a hair under the microscope.  Then we drew pictures of what we saw.

ENGINEERING:  I'm still working on my lighting board.  I'll be starting on my next project this week.

KARATE:  I did some fighting combinations.  We had to do certain ones and then we had to come up with our own.

Friday, February 23, 2018


MATH:  I did a lot of Big Brains working on my multiplication facts.  I did worksheets too.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm still reading "A Penny's Worth of Character".  I'm almost done.  I did spelling, handwriting, and writing.

SCIENCE:  If you had a rock, and you wanted it to be your pet then you wouldn't have to do anything for it because it doesn't need food, water, oxygen, it can't move by itself, and it can't reproduce.  But, if you had a dog then you'd have to take care of it.  I did check off boxes to show how you can tell if something is living or non-living.

ENGINEERING:  I'm still working on my light on the paper.  I made some new designs.

KARATE:  I learned a new form.  I can't figure out the names of the new forms, but I'm starting to get it.

Friday, February 16, 2018


MATH:  I did division.  I also did multiplication with bigger numbers.  I did some word problems.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm reading "A Penny's Worth of Character" for the second time.  I did spelling and handwriting.  I also worked on grammar.

SCIENCE:  I learned about how satellites are put in space.  I also learned about Mars.  It has less atmosphere than earth does so meteorites crash on it.  It would be hard to live on Mars because you would need shelter, food, and oxygen.

ENGINEERING:  I'm still working on my light board.  I put mazes on there so the light has to trace the maze.

KARATE:  I did some stretching.  I'm mostly reviewing forms.  I like being in the advanced class with my brother.

Friday, February 9, 2018


MATH:  I've started some division.  I've been doing fraction adding.  I've been doing multiplication.  I've been practicing multiplication facts on Big Brains.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm reading "A Penny's Worth of Character" again.  I did handwriting and writing.  I did spelling.  I did worksheets from All About Reading.

SCIENCE:  I learned about Galileo back when they used to think the earth was the center of the solar system.  Galileo started publishing about the sun being in the center of the solar system.  He went to prison for it.  I also learned about how we've sent people to the moon and rovers to Mars. 

ENGINEERING:  I'm reading about my light board.  I also put electric tape around it to make a maze so you can only shine the light on the parts that are not covered.

KARATE:  I had my first time in advanced class.  I learned a new karate form.  I earned my blue belt last weekend.

Friday, February 2, 2018


MATH:  I added fractions.  I did Roman Numerals.  I practiced my multiplication and division problems.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did spelling and writing and handwriting.  I practiced writing my name in cursive three times.  I finished reading “A Penny’s Worth of Character”, and now I’m reading it again because it’s so good.

SCIENCE:  I learned about Jupiter.  It has huge storms.  It has a huge storm that has been going for hundreds of years.  Neptune has a moon called Triton with volcanos that shoot down snow.  The surface is super cold on Triton.

ENGINEERING: I built a light thing.  When it shines on the light pad, it leaves a green line where you shine the light.  It will glow where you put the light on the board.  I'm still reading about how it works.

KARATE:  I'm getting ready for my test.  I helped people pass off their last stripes so they're ready for their test.  I helped people with their one-steps, blocks, kicks, and punches.

Friday, January 26, 2018


MATH:  I did really big addition problems.  I did some carrying.  I also worked on

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I worked on suffixes and practiced reading a lot of words with suffixes.  I read a story about a wombat health center where they help all these baby wombats so they can set them free.  They're trying to keep them from going endangered.  I also did spelling, handwriting and writing.

SCIENCE:  I learned about asteroids and the Asteroid Belt.  The gravitational pull from the sun makes them circle some of our planets.  Asteroids are kind of oval shaped with bumps.  I made an asteroid with molding clay.  Meteorites are inside our atmosphere, and meteoroids are outside of our atmosphere.

ENGINEERING:  I'm working on some more lamps.  I connect wires to a battery and put a resistor.  The resistor blocks off some of the electricity so the light bulb doesn't blow up.

KARATE:  I have a lot to say about karate.  I was practicing my one-steps which are some defense techniques to protect yourself.  I know 1, 2, 3 & 4 with the advance parts in take downs.  I also practiced my forms in karate.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


MATH:  I worked on adding and subtracting fractions.  Once you know how to do it it's easy.  I also added big 4 digit numbers.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm reading a book called "The Rythmatist".  I like it.  I also did spelling and handwriting and writing.  I did grammar.

SCIENCE:  I learned about mass, weight, and gravity.  If I was on a different planet my mass would stay the same, but my weight would change.  On Jupiter I'd weigh almost 300 pounds, but on Pluto I'd only weigh about 6 pounds.

ENGINEERING:  I built another light with a resistor.  I added decorations to the lamp.

KARATE:  I'm getting ready for my test coming up.  I'm going to test for my blue belt.  I'm kind of nervous, but I hope I'm ready.

Friday, January 12, 2018


MATH:  I added fractions.  They have to have the same denominator.  Then on the top you add the numerators.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I did spelling and handwriting.  I've been reading a book called "A Penny's Worth of Character."  So far it's just introducing the characters.  I've also been reading poems.

SCIENCE:  The moon has phases.  One full phase is called a Lunar Month.  It doesn't have its own light it's just the sun's reflection.  A New Moon is can't really see it because the earth is blocking the light.

ENGINEERING:  I'm building a new light.  It's hooked up to a better with a resistor.  Then I build a lamp to go around it.  It lights up with an LED light.

KARATE:  I've practiced all of my stuff, and I was having a lot of fun practicing hitting the target in the right place.  I also did some fighting combinations.  I have to come up with two new ones by class tomorrow.

Friday, January 5, 2018


MATH:  I did fractions.  I had to make a fraction and fill in one part of it.  I used a conversion chart to do like how many hours in one day or how many feet in a mile.  Things like that.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I learned about prefixes and suffixes.  I read a bunch of really big words.  They seem scary, but if you just read them slowly piece by piece it becomes much easier.  I only missed 5 of them out of like 30.  I also did spelling.  I read 20 minutes a day.  I'm reading "The Boxcar Children".  It's getting very interesting.  I'm on the second book chapter 13.

SCIENCE:  We learned about Mars.  We watched a lot of fun space movies, and we made some reddish sand to represent Mars surface.  We threw rocks at the sand to represent craters on Mars.

ENGINEERING:  I a lamp.  I was going to use it last night, but I forgot...I was so tired.  I used copper tape, wires, resistors, lights, batteries and a lot of other fun, cool things.

KARATE:  In karate I learned a new form that I need to know for my next belt.  The belt I'm going for is my first blue belt, then I'm going to go for my second.  I'm having a lot of fun in karate.  I hope I can get the blue belt.